Here we stand in disbelief. Is this really happening? Wow, we truly had no idea.

We had plenty of moments like that while working on this issue. Or shall we say, during our learning journey for this issue? With every DOWNTOWN edition, we plunge into new adventures, broaden our horizons, and immerse ourselves in exciting new topics. Topics we might have heard of or dreamt about, but had no idea how deep, complex, thrilling, and rewarding they truly are.

The same goes for this issue’s title: “The Trip of a Lifetime.” It’s not just about our unforgettable road trip with 12½ rooftop tents, but all the other adventures too. Like Alice in Wonderland, we tumbled down multiple rabbit holes, discovering entirely new dimensions and possibilities for living and shaping our daily lives.

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But before we buckle up to report about moon missions, electric cars, bikes, the best rooftop tents and bike racks, we’ll start by taking a few trips, here at home, in our own backyard.

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” This quote by Henry David Thoreau is one of my favourites and sums up what many world travellers and seekers often overlook: In this world, you only ever encounter yourself –your beliefs, experiences, convictions, and projections. Your inner world is always reflected in the outer world. The beauty of it? By lifting your beliefs, broadening your horizons, and searching for new perspectives, your world changes.

While some substances can help with that, they can also be detrimental. Either way, we just went for it! Enjoy our experiences 😉

At first, we just wanted to get high – but ended up finding a new hobby. In our “Suddenly a Gardener” story, what started as a means to an end became the end in itself, the journey became our goal! And it was so relaxing that we didn’t even need the high anymore 😉

Palpitations, shaky hands and restless nights: we didn’t have these many sleepless nights working on an issue in a long time. Is that necessarily a bad thing? Not at all. Was it exciting? Hell yeah!! We knew exactly what we were getting ourselves into. For our big coffee special, we extensively tested the hottest espresso machine, an outdoor French press, and the ultimate Nespresso machine tuning tool. In our Hot-or-Not tests, we’ll tell you what impressed and what disappointed us –and why! We’ll also teach you how to get more out of your Nespresso capsule machine!

With some of you, we even had a coffee blind tasting at Eurobike 2024. Does coffee from a € 5,000 espresso machine taste better than from a €100 machine? And if so, who can tell the difference? The findings were both surprising and shocking. What we think we’re tasting often has little to do with reality and more with our expectations. If you want to better understand yourself – and coffee – this is a must-read.

But our caffeine trip didn’t end there, and really kicked off when Robert greeted us in the sacred halls of rb.crafts. We felt a bit like Alice in Wonderland when she fell down the rabbit hole – into a world full of new discoveries: worldviews were shattered and rebuilt. At rb.crafts, different worlds merge into a new, wonderful reality: attention to detail, craftsmanship, and know-how fuse together to create a world of luxury and to answer the question of whether gold, diamonds, and olive wood make our coffee taste better. If you want to learn more about coffee machines (tuning), the typical fails, and the best hacks for a better coffee, this is the place! But beware! This story could have horrible consequences for your bank account!

Particularly in creative circles and amongst tech enthusiasts, self-realisation gurus and wellness disciples, one topic has gained a lot of popularity lately: microdosing! But what’s behind this “trend”? How much is too much, and what dosage gets you into a flow?

Which fashion phases have you gone through in your life? How did you feel at the time, and what effect did it have on your surroundings? We ventured into the city of fashion with functional wear, parked our cargo bikes, and experimented with ourselves between flashlights and the street. A quick outfit change can quickly make you reinvent, let you slip into new roles, and discover new sides of yourself. Can I wear this? Does it suit me? What will others think? Fashion takes courage and makes you break (your own) boundaries. Awesome!

Speaking of fashion: after reading our coffee special, you’ll have so much caffeine in your bloodstream that you might feel like flying to the moon! So check out our Hot-or-Not test of the Omega MoonSwatch Bioceramic. Do you need the most hyped fashion watch right now? And would we buy it?

Back to reality with our journey into Chinese car manufacturing: since this summer’s European Football Championship, everyone in Europe knows BYD. Big expectations and a hot price – the BYD Seal is considered one of the hottest electric cars and the ultimate Tesla Model 3 and Polestar 2 killer – but what is it really capable of? In our driving test, you’ll find out why our excitement fizzled out more and more with each test day.

Ready for origami adventures? Nothing has enriched our daily lives and short getaways in recent years like the Brompton folding bike and the Oru Inlet folding kayak: two micro-adventure gadgets that not only ensure tons of fun but also open up new experiences and avoid annoying logistics. So, what are you waiting for?

From small to big: our rooftop tent comparison test with 12½ rooftop tents was a gargantuan task – three months of testing, comparisons, and, as a grand finale, a road trip with a 25-people crew as diverse as you can imagine. Despite all the challenges – or maybe because of it? – we had an amazing time, with northern lights, 50 litres of beer, kayak and bike adventures, and fancy cars. Rooftop tents are a complex topic and there are various factors to take into account when choosing a tent – and some concepts we wouldn’t recommend in the first place. So, if you’re interested in deluxe camping, our detailed buyer’s guide is a must-read!

One thing’s essential for the bike trip of your life: the right bike rack to get you to your dream destinations. Even more than with rooftop tents, the line between fun and frustration can be extremely thin. After an awesome bike ride, do you want to spend half an hour fiddling around with your rack or 2 minutes to secure your bike at the turn of a hand? The choice is yours!

As you can see, life’s one big succession of trips. How good they are always depends on us: on our equipment, our companions, and primarily our mindset. Things going wrong, not knowing something, or needing help isn’t a drama, but an inevitable part of the process. You can learn and grow from every kilometre, every experience, and every moment in life. And that’s how we see DOWNTOWN: as a playground to discover new things, try out new ideas, have fun, and enrich our everyday lives! I hope you join in on the trip of your life!

These (and many more) stories are just a few clicks away. If you have already installed our free app, you can download the latest DOWNTOWN issue directly there. If not, first install the app from the App Store (iPhone / iPad) or the Play Store and then load the latest issue within the app. Then you can sit back and enjoy the new issue (ideal with a cold beer or delicious coffee)!

Looking forward to your feedback!

Founder & Editor-in-Chief,
Robin Schmitt

Words: Robin Schmitt Photos: DOWNTOWN